What is real, however, is the background story, but given the current events in Afghanistan, it's ironically just about the only element that probably shouldn't be realistic. military" and given the utter lack of realism in Real War, that's really rather worrying. There's a huge stamp on the box that claims it's, "Based on the official JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF training game developed for the U.S.

It might be sold as a realistic, modern-day strategy game, but the truth of the matter is somewhat different. With Real War, my deductive nasal senses went on full alert. While this has left me a bitter and twisted wreck unable to partake in even the most ordinary kind of pleasures, it also means I have a nose that can sniff out crap before I so much as step inside my local game store. Whereas most people have their childish enthusiasm and energy slowly eroded by the demands and pressures of adult life, I was actually born a sad, miserable old git with all the passion and joy of a bag of gravel.