In other parts of the country, they ear-tip the right ear or “notch” the ear. However, most community cats are feral or not socialized, and using a trap is necessary for the safety of both the cat and the trapper.Įar-tips are the universally recognized symbol of a cat who has been spayed or neutered and vaccinated. We refrain from using the term feral when referring to outdoor cats, as outdoor cats can also be tame and friendly. The word feral is defined as “in a wild state,” and is reserved for describing a cat’s temperament and behavior. No matter how we define free-roaming cats, they must be spayed/neutered for the cats’ health and for the purpose of humanely reducing the cat population. Community cats are also referred to as strays, alley cats, outdoor cats, free-roaming cats, or feral cats. Community cat is an umbrella term that incorporates any type of cat living outside.